Nov 27, 2024
This episode was inspired by a reading from the John Maxwell's "The Maxwell Leadership Bible". If you have this leadership resource, go to 2 Timothy 2:2 and you will see the list of "Leading Followers verses Leading Leaders".
I hope that this episode will help you on a path to...
Jun 26, 2024
The past few weeks have been very, good, hard, motivating, hurtful, joyful and inspiring. In other words, “Normal... with a bit of an edge".
Matthew 6:24 - 7:14 NLT - “…God cares more about you…”
“NOW” matters!
Jesus said, “Why are you worrying about what you wear or what you are going to eat? God...
May 29, 2024
You may be an amazing speaker. You are probably an incredible person, but people listen and believe you are who you are when other people, students, staff, parents and colleagues say great things about you (what you and/or your ministry have accomplished).
It’s still happening to me. People are still talking about...
Mar 27, 2024
During a recent interview between Erika from "Erika Taught Me" and Chris Voss (Author of "Never Spilt The Difference" and a former FBI Hostage Negotiator), she asks this question: Chris, how do you use these special communication methods that you've developed during your time as a hostage negotiator in your every...
Jan 31, 2024
YOU MATTER… Everything You Do Counts… Everyone You Meet Is Important!
You were bought with a price [you were actually purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own]. So then, honor and glorify God with your body. - 1 Corinthians 6:20 (Amplified Bible)
For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a...