Sep 7, 2022
“It’s later than you think” is a line in the movie “The Adam Project”, which is repeated several times. The movie is Sci-Fi, but even though it mentions time travel, the real story was about loving the people we are responsible for. God sees loving those we are responsible for as more important than the ministry he has called us too. In many cases, the ministry we have called ourselves to, may not always be where God was directing us.
I personally have been involved in some form of volunteer or full time ministry since I was 15 years old. I found I was sold out to Jesus as Lord and spending time with Him above all else. Not trying to do more, but trying to be in the presence of God more. By doing so, the people I love and am responsible for feel at peace and authentically loved by me. You may feel you have “missed the wave of opportunity” to love those closest to you the way Jesus loved. John Maxwell says, to not worry, “another wave is coming”. Stop grieving and start loving! Do the NEXT RIGHT THING.
“It's Later Than You Think”, but don’t give up… do not fear. Put Jesus first and you will love your family and friends better.
“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9 NLT
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Hosted by: Doug Edwards
Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 (Listen to more at:
Edited by: Ryan James Edwards at Secret Roots Music House
Recorded by: Doug Edwards
Graphics by: Ryan James Edwards