Oct 15, 2021
This Part 2 about Chase McAllister Retired United States Air Force but NOW working full time as a Campus Life Director from the same military base he spent his last years at as a soldier. This is a closer look at how he followed God's calling on him to ministry. How can his story help you? How can Youth Worker On Fire help you?
Included are several ways you can get in touch with Chase in Honolulu, Hawaii. Also included is how you can support him and his family as they reach children of military families.
There is more to Chases story. Do you want to hear more? It takes time, effort and money to do these interviews and edit them in a quick and timely manner. Wanna' Help us help you and others, like you, around the world? Then pray for God to fund us in a way that only He can do through others who are gifted and talented.
Pray that God will send the resources to continue this work. youthworkeronfire@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you. Your thoughts and feed back about each episode is important.