Jun 19, 2024
In 1 Kings 19:10-18, God tells Elijah that He will speak to Elijah on the mountain. So Elijah climbs the mountain! Some big and loud and terrifying things happen, but God is not in any of those things. Elijah hears a gentle breeze and he knows that this is God and he comes out from hiding.
God often speaks in a whisper. I think because He likes the intimacy with us. There are a few times in my life I have heard the whisper. It was so clear. It was the 2 times I mention in this episode that His whisper would change the direction I was going.
The first Whisper said “Will you stay?” when I wanted to go. 24 years later in the middle of a board meeting, God would whisper, ”It's Over.” I knew what that meant. This whisper meant it was time to go.
How many times has He whispered to you. Have you ignored the whisper or did you obey Him when He whispered. The choice is always ours.
Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book “Burn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builder’s Guidebook” here: https://amzn.to/3PtBTIy
Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here: https://bit.ly/3saDyYq
Email us at: youthworkeronfire@gmail.com
Hosted by: Doug Edwards
Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at https://bit.ly/3FTYIAJ
Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael Helms : https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelTheSoundGuy
Edited by: Secret Roots Music House