Aug 31, 2021
Chase is 20 years retired military with the US Air Force. 2 years of his military career he was working with Campus Life on base. Now he is a full time Campus Life Director for the Military Base ministry.
@chazzymacirl on Instagram and @yfcclmilitaryhi will lead you to YFC Campus Life-Military Hawaii on Facebook. You can communicate with Chase and support his ministry that reaches countless teenagers and their families in the military. Chase’s bio in this episode speaks for itself. You will learn about his childhood, teen age years, and how they almost burned down his hometown with his youth pastor. But not to worry, his mom was ready with a garden hose to save the day, just in case.
In this episode, Chase explains how he was led to the Campus Life Youth for Christ Military ministry. He discusses his worst moment in ministry, which was a combo of multiple dramas and events that took place in a single week. Chase also discusses his best time in student ministry. The Replace and Not Cancel philosophy is part of our conversation and how it helped continue ministry through the pandemic.
You can view the entire interview on the Youth Worker On Fire YouTube Channel or part 1 of the Replace and not cancel discussion here on this episode.
Keep any eye out in the near future for additional parts of this interview on our podcast. We will dive into Chase and Lisa’s love story and the effects of ministry in marriage.
Call or write in to tell me what you think of this episode! Your thoughts and comments matter. It’s important that my team and I hear from you.
Instagram: @youthworkeronfire